Pincushions are all the rage, and just like snowflakes, no two are alike. We'd love to see what you come up with. You can use one of these books as inspiration, or come up with your own creation. Just leave a comment with a link to an image of your pincushion, and let us know which Beverly's you shop at. We'll draw a winner on Monday, the 22nd.
Can't wait to see what you've come up with - and to get things rolling, here's a contribution from Laura:

i love pin cushions...and gift cards!
here are some pin cushions i made from felted wool sweaters and coffee cups:
i meant to add that the pin cushions were inspired by betz white's cupcake pin cushions as seen in her book "warm fuzzies".
This is my own creation of a pin cushion. It is Mary Engelbreit fabric with vintage crotchet dollie and vintage button. I shop at Beverly's in Stockton, California.
This is a fabric pincushion I made for a swap buddy. I also included pictures of a few of my felt pincushions. I love to shop at the Santa Rosa store. In fact that is where I bought the fabric for my pincushion.
Thank you for looking
Here is a pin cushion I made for a craft swap.
I shop at the Rocklin, CA store
I'm all about neckties, so I made a pincushion in a floral shape, using neckties with flowers on them.
I shop at the Beverly's in Clairemont (San Diego).
I'm just learning to sew, and everyone needs the ubiquitous tomato pincushion, right? I didn't like the ones at the store much, so I made one of my own with some pretty stripey fabric and dark green felt. Here's the link:
I shop at the Beverly in Rohnert Park
I have designed a new wrist pin cushion and I call it "Sew Diva". I have used vintage fabrics as well as repro fabrics, buttons (both vintage and nonvintage) and lace. They are so fun to ware because of the bright colors and the vintage feel of it. Many of the folks that have purchased them have said that they are arthritis and fibromyalgia friendly, which is a major benifit to them. I also have designed a few large pin cushions out of old quilts and repro fabrics, which are super fun!
First I wanted to say how beautiful all the pincushions are, very inspiring. I created a more traditional square pincushion decorated with silk ribbon embroidery and a fairy image. Here is the link http://www.smv-crafters.com/pincushion.htm
I shop at the Santa Maria Beverly's store! The best store anywhere!
To allow our friends who don't have a place to post there pincushion pictures, we've created a Flickr account
We've also created a Flickr Group, but seem to be having trouble with it, so for now you can send your image to info@beverlys.com and we can post it for you.
To start it off, here's Pat Petersen's pincushion
Pat shops at the Beverly's in Soquel.
Thanks for your entry Pat!
Here's mine!
It's a highly modified version of a pattern found in a Japanese craft book, made with velvet and wool felt. The baby strawberry is emery filled.
I shop at the Rocklin, CA store.
Thank you for letting me enter. Here are my links for my submission to your contest. I love Halloween and I love pincushions. I shop at the Monterey store.
Angie H
here is winniem100@comcast.net's contributions:
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