The team at Beverly's is always looking for fresh ideas, new inspirations, and great projects. Finally, we have a place to share all those ideas, amongst ourselves and with YOU, thanks to our new boards on Pinterest!
Have you checked Pinterest out yet? It's a great site that allows you to create virtual pinboards of all the amazing things you find on the internet.

The appealing visual display and ability to organize according to your own style make this a beautiful, useful and fun site!
But one of the best things about Pinterest is that, when you "pin" a photo, it doesn't just save the picture, but the link back to the site you found it on. How many times have you wished you could find that great recipe, that cool crafting how-to, or that perfect little black dress that you saw last week? Pinterest will help you with all of that!
You can follow the boards of all your creative friends, your favorite stores, and even creative people that you don't know, but wish you did. And we hope that, now that you know about Pinterest, you'll follow Beverly's as well! Happy pinning!
tag: allstores