We've all been waiting, and they're finally here:

Now you can dress your real Webkinz pets in the same cool fashions as your virtual pets. The Feature Code gives members the matching virtual outfit for their Webkinz World pet to wear!
Come into your local
Beverlys and get them while they last....
I can't belive they have Webkinz clothes at Beverly's. Finally!!!
mane i never thought you had real clothes for webkinz there!! my name is kayla and i am 10 years old. i have a white terrier. lil kinz. i am surly going there!!!!! i need some clothes for my webkinz!! how much are the clothes for webkinz??? finally!!!!!!! i cant wait to get some!!!!!! thank you for telling us!!!! thanks,kayla
are you doing the webkinz extravaganza? Which events? which store locations? please tell me!! I want 2 know!! *<(:D***
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Buona Sera! James Roth . payday loans
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